Package-level declarations


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open class ValidatingStore<D, T, M>(initialData: D, validation: Validation<D, T, M>, metadataDefault: T, job: Job, validateAfterUpdate: Boolean = true, val id: String = : RootStore<D>

A ValidatingStore is a Store which also contains a Validation for its model and by default applies it to every update.

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value class Validation<D, T, M>(validate: (Inspector<D>, T) -> List<M>)

Encapsulates the logic for validating a given data-model with metadata.

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Minimal interface for a validation message that exposes the model path for matching relevant sub-model-data and probably relevant UI element representation for showing the message and getting information about the valid state after validation process.


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Returns true when the list contains no ValidationMessage which is marked with ValidationMessage.isError.

val <M : ValidationMessage> Flow<List<M>>.valid: Flow<Boolean>

Checks if a Flow of a List of ValidationMessages is valid.


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operator fun <D, M> Validation<D, Unit, M>.invoke(data: D): List<M>
operator fun <D, M> Validation<D, Unit, M>.invoke(inspector: Inspector<D>): List<M>

Convenience execution function for Validation for the case, that the metadata is Unit. In those cases the metadata parameter can be omitted.

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fun <M : ValidationMessage> Store<*>.messages(): Flow<List<M>>?

Finds all exactly corresponding ValidationMessages to this Store, which means all messages, which have exactly the same path as the Store.

fun <M : ValidationMessage> Store<*>.messages(filterPredicate: (M) -> Boolean): Flow<List<M>>?

Finds all corresponding ValidationMessages to this Store which satisfy the filterPredicate-expression.

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Finds all corresponding ValidationMessages to this Store, which means all messages, that fit exactly with their path or which are sub-elements of this Stores data model.

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fun <D, M> storeOf(initialData: D, validation: Validation<D, Unit, M>, job: Job, id: String = ValidatingStore<D, Unit, M>

Convenience function to create a simple ValidatingStore without any metadata and handlers.

fun <D, T, M> storeOf(initialData: D, validation: Validation<D, T, M>, metadataDefault: T, job: Job = Job(), id: String = ValidatingStore<D, T, M>

Convenience function to create a simple ValidatingStore without any handlers, etc.

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fun <D, M> WithJob.storeOf(initialData: D, validation: Validation<D, Unit, M>, job: Job = this.job, id: String = ValidatingStore<D, Unit, M>

Convenience function to create a simple ValidatingStore without any metadata and handlers.

fun <D, T, M> WithJob.storeOf(initialData: D, validation: Validation<D, T, M>, metadataDefault: T, job: Job = this.job, id: String = ValidatingStore<D, T, M>

Convenience function to create a simple ValidatingStore without any handlers, etc.

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fun <D, M> validation(validate: MutableList<M>.(Inspector<D>) -> Unit): Validation<D, Unit, M>

Convenience function for creating a Validation instance only accepting model-data by working on a MutableList receiver and using an Inspector for getting the right Inspector.path from sub-models next to the

fun <D, T, M> validation(validate: MutableList<M>.(Inspector<D>, T) -> Unit): Validation<D, T, M>

Convenience function for creating a Validation instance accepting model- and metadata by working on a MutableList receiver and using an Inspector for getting the right Inspector.path from sub-models next to the