
fritz2 offers support for websockets you can use with different protocols.

First create a socket:

val websocket: Socket = websocket("ws://myserver:3333")

You can specify one or more protocols on creation. See these docs for more information.

Your socket is now ready to establish a Session with the server, using the method connect(). Messages can now be exchanged between socket and server, which looks like this:

val session: Session = websocket("ws://...").connect()

// receiving messages from server
session.messages.body handledBy {
window.alert("Server said: $it")

// sending messages to server

As you can see, Session offers a Flow of MessageEvents in messages. When a new message from the server arrives, a new message pops up on the Flow. Get the content of the message with one of the following methods (depending on content type):

  • data(): Flow<Any?>
  • body(): Flow<String>
  • blob(): Flow<Blob>
  • arrayBuffer(): Flow<ArrayBuffer>

More information regarding the connection status is provided by the Session as Flows:

  • isConnecting: Flow<Boolean>
  • isOpen: Flow<Boolean>
  • isClosed: Flow<Boolean>
  • opens: Flow<Event>
  • closes: Flow<CloseEvent>

When you're done, close the session client-side. Supplying a code and a reason is optional.

session.close(reason = "finished")

After the Session was closed by either client or server, no further messages can be sent, and trying to do so throws a SendException.

You can synchronize the content of a Store with a server via websockets. You can use a function like syncWith(socket: Socket, resource: Resource<T, I>) in the following example:

data class Person(val name: String = "", val age: Int = -1, val _id: String = Id.next())

fun Store<Person>.syncWith(socket: Socket) {
val session = socket.connect()
var last: Person? = null
apply {
session.messages.body.map {
val received = Json.decodeFromString(Person.serializer(), it)
last = received
} handledBy this@syncWith.update

this@syncWith.data.drop(1) handledBy {
if (last != it) session.send(Json.encodeToString(Person.serializer(), it))

val socket = websocket("ws://...")

val entityStore = object : RootStore<Person>(Person(), job = Job()) {
init {
syncWith(socket, PersonResource)
// your handlers...

When the model in the Store changes, it will be sent to the server via Websockets, and vice versa of course. For a full working example have a look at our Ktor Chat project.

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