
A modal dialog displays any content on a layer in front of the rest of the application. Intelligent mouse and keyboard management limit the interaction to the modal window as long as it is open.

Basic Example

To create a modal dialog, the modal factory function must be called. Since this does not render anything per se, it does not get any of the standard parameters as a big exception. The topmost visible structure is created by modalPanel factory function. Within its scope, the complete content of the modal window including the so-called overlay area (modalOverlay) is created.

Boolean data binding must always be specified, since the opening of a modal dialog can only be triggered by an external upcoming event, e.g. by clicking on a button.

Closing is usually triggered within the modal dialog. The scope of modal provides the close handler for this task.

val toggle = storeOf(false, job = Job())

button {
+"Open" { true } handledBy toggle.update

modal {
modalPanel {
modalOverlay {
// add styling and maybe some pleasant transition
div {
p { +"I am some modal dialog! Press Cancel to exit."}
// you should at lease add one focusable element to the modal!
button {
clicks handledBy close // use handler to set the state to `false`

Do not forget to include a portalRoot()-call at the end of your initial RenderContext as explained here!

Focus Management

In order to prevent interaction with the rest of the application via keyboard interaction, the modal dialog uses a so-called focus trap by default. Therefore, the focus will cycle through all the focusable elements using Tab without leaving the modal panel.

For this reason there should always be at least one focusable element in the modal window. If there is no focusable element found, a warning should appear in the log:

There are no focusable elements inside the focus-trap!

This behaviour can be customized by providing other values for the setInitialFocus field of the modal scope. For example TryToSet to suppress the warning. But it is recommended to design modals always with some focusable element, so the warning will help you to detect design flaws!

By default, the first focusable element is always given the focus. In order to focus a specific tag initially, the setInitialFocus function can be called inside a Tag.

modal {
modalPanel {
p { +"I am some modal dialog! Press Cancel to exit."}
// first focusable element
button {
clicks handledBy close
// second focusable element
button {
+"I will get the initial focus!"
// adds a data-attribute to the tag so the focus can be delegated here

Add Label and Description

For accessibility reasons, a modal dialog should provide a title and at least one descriptive element. This is done via the factory functions modalTitle and modalDescription.

modal {
modalPanel {
// add title and description
modalTitle { +"Example Dialog" }
modalDescription {
+"I am some modal dialog! Press Cancel to exit."

button {
clicks handledBy close


Showing and hiding the modal dialog can be easily animated with the help of transition:

modal {
modalPanel {
modalOverlay {
// some nice fade in/out effect for the overlay
enter = "ease-out duration-300",
enterStart = "opacity-0",
enterEnd = "opacity-100",
leave = "ease-in duration-200",
leaveStart = "opacity-100",
leaveEnd = "opacity-0"
div {
// some nice fade in/out and scale in/out effect for the content
enter = "transition duration-100 ease-out",
enterStart = "opacity-0 scale-95",
enterEnd = "opacity-100 scale-100",
leave = "transition duration-100 ease-in",
leaveStart = "opacity-100 scale-100",
leaveEnd = "opacity-0 scale-95"

p { +"I am some modal dialog! Press Cancel to exit."}
button {
clicks handledBy close

Mouse Interaction

By default, no mouse interaction is supported through the modal dialog. Typically, within the modal dialog there should be some clickable element, which triggers the close handler and thus the dialog closes.

Keyboard Interaction

Command Description
Tab Cycles through all focusable elements of an open modal window. There should always be at least one focusable element!
Shift + Tab Cycles backwards through all focusable elements of an open modal window.


Summary / Sketch

modal() {
var restoreFocus: Boolean
var setInitialFocus: InitialFocus = InsistToSet // DoNotSet, TryToSet, InsistToSet
// inherited by `OpenClose`
val openState: DatabindingProperty<Boolean>
val opened: Flow<Boolean>
val close: SimpleHandler<Unit>
val open: SimpleHandler<Unit>
val toggle: SimpleHandler<Unit>

modalPanel() {
modalOverlay() { }
modalTitle() { }
modalDescription() { } // use multiple times

// setInitialFocus() within one tag is possible

Parameters: no

Default-Tag: No tag is rendered!

Scope property Typ Description
restoreFocus Boolean If true (default) the focus will be reset to the last focused element after closing the modal.
setInitialFocus InitialFocus If InsistToSet (default), the focus is set to the first focusable DOM element or the element marked with setInitialFocus().
openState DatabindingProperty<Boolean> Mandatory (two-way) data binding for opening and closing.
opened Flow<Boolean> Data stream that provides Boolean values related to the "open" state. Quite useless within a modal, as it is always true
close SimpleHandler<Unit> Handler to close the list box from inside.
open SimpleHandler<Unit> handler to open; does not make sense to use within a modal!
toggle SimpleHandler<Unit> handler for switching between open and closed; does not make sense to use within a modal.


Available in the scope of: modal

Parameters: classes, id, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div


Available in the scope of: modalPanel

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div


Available in the scope of: modalPanel

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: h2


Available in the scope of: modalPanel

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: p

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