
fun <ER : HTMLElement> RenderContext.comboboxPanelReference(classes: String? = null, scope: ScopeContext.() -> Unit = {}, tag: TagFactory<Tag<ER>>, initialize: Tag<ER>.() -> Unit): Tag<ER>

Factory function to create a comboboxPanelReference.

This brick may be used to specify an alternative anchor for the combobox's dropdown when other decorative elements are positioned around the actual input that are considered part of it.

In those cases, the dropdown should position itself based on the wrapping element.

For more information refer to the official documentation

fun RenderContext.comboboxPanelReference(classes: String? = null, scope: ScopeContext.() -> Unit = {}, content: Tag<HTMLDivElement>.() -> Unit): Tag<HTMLDivElement>

Factory function to create a comboboxPanelReference with an HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.

This brick may be used to specify an alternative anchor for the combobox's dropdown when other decorative elements are positioned around the actual input that are considered part of it.

In those cases, the dropdown should position itself based on the wrapping element.

For more information refer to the official documentation