
fun <T, C : HTMLElement> RenderContext.dataCollection(classes: String? = null, id: String? = null, scope: ScopeContext.() -> Unit = {}, tag: TagFactory<Tag<C>>, initialize: DataCollection<T, C>.() -> Unit): Tag<C>

Factory function to create a DataCollection.


dataCollection<T>() {
val data: CollectionDataProperty<T>
val sortBy: SimpleHandler<SortingOrder<T>?>
val toggleSorting: SimpleHandler<Sorting<T>>
val filterBy: SimpleHandler<((List<T>) -> List<T>)?>
val selection: SelectionMode<T>

fun filterByText(toString: (T) -> String) : SimpleHandler<String>

// use multiple times
dataCollectionSortButton(sort: Sorting<T>) {
val direction: Flow<SortDirection>

dataCollectionItems() {
val scrollIntoView: ScrollIntoViewProperty
val items: Flow<List<T>>

// items.renderEach T {
dataCollectionItem(item: T) {
val selected: Flow<Boolean>
val active: Flow<Boolean>
// }

For more information refer to the official documentation

fun <T> RenderContext.dataCollection(classes: String? = null, id: String? = null, scope: ScopeContext.() -> Unit = {}, initialize: DataCollection<T, HTMLDivElement>.() -> Unit): Tag<HTMLDivElement>

Factory function to create a DataCollection with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.


dataCollection<T>() {
val data: CollectionDataProperty<T>
val sortBy: SimpleHandler<SortingOrder<T>?>
val toggleSorting: SimpleHandler<Sorting<T>>
val filterBy: SimpleHandler<((List<T>) -> List<T>)?>
val selection: SelectionMode<T>

fun filterByText(toString: (T) -> String) : SimpleHandler<String>

// use multiple times
dataCollectionSortButton(sort: Sorting<T>) {
val direction: Flow<SortDirection>

dataCollectionItems() {
val scrollIntoView: ScrollIntoViewProperty
val items: Flow<List<T>>

// items.renderEach T {
dataCollectionItem(item: T) {
val selected: Flow<Boolean>
val active: Flow<Boolean>
// }

For more information refer to the official documentation