
fun <C : HTMLElement> RenderContext.tabGroup(classes: String? = null, id: String? = null, scope: ScopeContext.() -> Unit = {}, tag: TagFactory<Tag<C>>, initialize: TabGroup<C>.() -> Unit): Tag<C>

Factory function to create a TabGroup.


tabGroup() {
val value: DatabindingProperty<Int> // optional
val selected: Flow<Int>
var orientation: Orientation

tabList() {
// for each tab {
tab() {
val index: Int
val disabled: Flow<Int>
val disable: SimpleHandler<Int>
// }

tabPanels() {
// for each tab {
panel() { }
// }

For more information refer to the official documentation

fun RenderContext.tabGroup(classes: String? = null, id: String? = null, scope: ScopeContext.() -> Unit = {}, initialize: TabGroup<HTMLDivElement>.() -> Unit): Tag<HTMLDivElement>

Factory function to create a TabGroup with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.


tabGroup() {
val value: DatabindingProperty<Int> // optional
val selected: Flow<Int>
var orientation: Orientation

tabList() {
// for each tab {
tab() {
val index: Int
val disabled: Flow<Int>
val disable: SimpleHandler<Int>
// }

tabPanels() {
// for each tab {
panel() { }
// }

For more information refer to the official documentation