
external interface ShiftOptions : DetectOverflowOptions


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open var altBoundary: Boolean?

Whether to check for overflow using the alternate element's boundary (clippingAncestors boundary only).

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open var boundary: Boundary?

The clipping element(s) or area in which overflow will be checked.

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open var crossAxis: Boolean?

The axis that runs along the side of the floating element. Determines whether overflow along this axis is checked to perform shifting.

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The element in which overflow is being checked relative to a boundary.

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Accepts a function that limits the shifting done in order to prevent detachment.

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open var mainAxis: Boundary?

The axis that runs along the alignment of the floating element. Determines whether overflow along this axis is checked to perform shifting.

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open var padding: Padding?

Virtual padding for the resolved overflow detection offsets.

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The root clipping area in which overflow will be checked.