
abstract class OpenClose : WithJob

Base class that provides all functionality needed for components, that have some "open" and "close" state of representation.

Just extend from this class to gain and provide access to the basic data binding openState that holds the central state, the opened data-flow and expressive handler like close or open to set the state.

Typical examples of OpenClose based components are modal dialogs or all popup-components, that appear and disappear based upon user interaction.



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abstract val job: Job
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val opened: Flow<Boolean>
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open fun errorHandler(cause: Throwable)
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open infix fun <A> Flow<A>.handledBy(handler: Handler<A>)
open infix fun <A> Flow<A>.handledBy(execute: suspend (A) -> Unit): Job
open infix fun <E : Event> Flow<E>.handledBy(handler: Handler<Unit>)
open infix fun <E : Event> Flow<E>.handledBy(execute: suspend (E) -> Unit): Job