
open class Request(val url: String = "", val method: String = "", val headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), val body: dynamic = undefined, val referrer: String? = undefined, val referrerPolicy: dynamic = undefined, val mode: RequestMode? = undefined, val credentials: RequestCredentials? = undefined, val cache: RequestCache? = undefined, val redirect: RequestRedirect? = undefined, val integrity: String? = undefined, val keepalive: Boolean? = undefined, val reqWindow: Any? = undefined, val middlewares: List<Middleware> = emptyList())

Represents the common fields and attributes of an HTTP request.

Use it to define common headers, error-handling, base url, etc. for a specific API for example. By calling one of the executing methods like get or post a specific request is built from the template and send to the server.


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constructor(url: String = "", method: String = "", headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), body: dynamic = undefined, referrer: String? = undefined, referrerPolicy: dynamic = undefined, mode: RequestMode? = undefined, credentials: RequestCredentials? = undefined, cache: RequestCache? = undefined, redirect: RequestRedirect? = undefined, integrity: String? = undefined, keepalive: Boolean? = undefined, reqWindow: Any? = undefined, middlewares: List<Middleware> = emptyList())


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val body: dynamic
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val referrerPolicy: dynamic
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val url: String


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fun accept(value: String): Request

adds the given Accept value to the http headers, e.g "application/pdf"

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adds a header to accept JSON as response

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fun append(subUrl: String): Request

appends the given subUrl to the url

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sets the ArrayBuffer content to the request

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fun basicAuth(username: String, password: String): Request

Adds the basic Authorization header for the given username and password.

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fun blob(content: Blob): Request

sets the Blob content to the request

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fun body(content: String): Request

sets the body content to the request

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sets the cache property of the Request

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adds the given Cache-Control value to the http headers

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suspend fun connect(subUrl: String? = null): Response

issues a connect request returning a flow of it's response

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adds the given Content-Type value to the http headers

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open fun copy(url: String = this.url, method: String = this.method, headers: Map<String, String> = this.headers, body: dynamic = this.body, referrer: String? = this.referrer, referrerPolicy: dynamic = this.referrerPolicy, mode: RequestMode? = this.mode, credentials: RequestCredentials? = this.credentials, cache: RequestCache? = this.cache, redirect: RequestRedirect? = this.redirect, integrity: String? = this.integrity, keepalive: Boolean? = this.keepalive, reqWindow: Any? = this.reqWindow, middlewares: List<Middleware> = this.middlewares): Request

creates a copy of the Request.

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sets the credentials property of the Request

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open suspend fun delete(subUrl: String? = null): Response

issues a delete request returning a flow of it's response

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suspend fun execute(): Response

executes the HTTP call and sends it to the server, awaits the response (async) and returns a Response.

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fun formData(content: FormData): Request

sets the FormData content to the request

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suspend fun get(subUrl: String? = null, parameters: Map<String, String>? = null): Response

issues a get request returning a flow of it's response

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suspend fun head(subUrl: String? = null): Response

issues a head request returning a flow of it's response

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fun header(name: String, value: String): Request

adds the given http header to the request

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fun integrity(value: String): Request

sets the integrity property of the Request

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sets the keepalive property of the Request

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suspend fun options(subUrl: String? = null): Response

issues a options request returning a flow of it's response

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suspend fun patch(subUrl: String? = null): Response

issues a patch request returning a flow of it's response

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suspend fun post(subUrl: String? = null): Response

issues a post request returning a flow of it's response

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suspend fun put(subUrl: String? = null): Response

issues a put request returning a flow of it's response

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appends the given parameters to the url

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sets the redirect property of the Request

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fun referrer(value: String): Request

sets the referrer property of the Request

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fun referrerPolicy(value: dynamic): Request

sets the referrerPolicy property of the Request

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sets the requestMode property of the Request

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fun reqWindow(value: Any): Request

sets the reqWindow property of the Request

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fun use(middleware: Middleware): Request

adds an Middleware to handle all requests and responses.

fun use(vararg middlewares: Middleware): Request

adds Middlewares to handle all requests and responses.