
open class Response(response: Response, val request: Request, val propagate: Boolean = true)

Represents the common fields and attributes of an HTTP response. It contains also the original Request which was made to get this Response.

More info at MDN


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constructor(response: Response, request: Request, propagate: Boolean = true)


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returns the Headers from the given Response

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val ok: Boolean

A boolean indicating whether the response was successful (status in the range 200 – 299) or not.

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val propagate: Boolean = true
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Indicates whether or not the response is the result of a redirect (that is, its URL list has more than one entry).

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val status: Int

The status code of the response. (This will be 200 for a success).

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The status message corresponding to the status code. (e.g., OK for 200).

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The type of the response (e.g., basic, cors).

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val url: String

The URL of the response.


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suspend fun arrayBuffer(): ArrayBuffer

extracts the body as arrayBuffer from the given Response

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suspend fun blob(): Blob

extracts the body as blob from the given Response

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suspend fun body(): String

extracts the body as string from the given Response

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fun copy(response: Response = this.response, request: Request = this.request, propagate: Boolean = this.propagate): Response

creates a copy of the Response.

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suspend fun formData(): FormData

extracts the body as formData from the given Response

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suspend fun json(): Any?

extracts the body as json from the given Response