This class provides the building blocks to implement a radio-group.
Use radioGroup functions to create an instance, set up the needed Hooks or Propertys and refine the component by using the further factory methods offered by this class.
For more information refer to the official documentation
Factory function to create a CheckboxGroup with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a CheckboxGroup.
Factory function to create a Combobox with an HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a Combobox.
Factory function to create a DataCollection with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a DataCollection.
Factory function to create a Disclosure with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a Disclosure.
Factory function to create a InputField with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a InputField.
Factory function to create a Listbox with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a Listbox.
Factory function to create a Menu with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a Menu.
Factory function to create a PopOver with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a PopOver.
With Portalling a rendered overlay will be rendered outside of the clipping ancestors to avoid clipping. Therefore, a portalRoot is needed as last element in the document.body.
A portalRoot is needed to use floating components like dev.fritz2.headless.components.modal, dev.fritz2.headless.components.toast and dev.fritz2.headless.components.popOver. Basically all components based upon PopUpPanel.
Factory function to create a RadioGroup with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a RadioGroup.
Factory function to create a radioGroupLabel with a HTMLLabelElement as default Tag.
Factory function to create a radioGroupLabel.
Factory function to create a radioGroupOption with a HTMLDivElement as default Tag.
Factory function to create a radioGroupOption.
Factory function to create a radioGroupValidationMessages with a HTMLDivElement as default Tag.
Factory function to create a radioGroupValidationMessages.
Sets focus on the Tag it is called on. Continues to try setting the focus until it was successful or the maximum number of retries is reached. Use this function for example to set the focus on an element that just becomes visible.
Mark some Tag with a data-attribute INITIAL_FOCUS_DATA_ATTR so that the trapFocusInMountpoint function can find this Tag and set the initial focus to it.
Factory function to create a Switch with a HTMLButtonElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a Switch.
Factory function to create a SwitchWithLabel with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a SwitchWithLabel.
Factory function to create a TabGroup with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a TabGroup.
Factory function to create a TextArea with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a TextArea.
Factory function to create a tooltip with a HTMLDivElement as default Tag.
Factory function to create a tooltip.
This function enables a so called focus-trap. This enforces the specific behaviour within the receiver Tag, that switching the focus is only possible on elements that are inside the receiver. No other focusable elements outside the enclosing container will get the focus.
This variant of trapFocusInMountpoint allows to reactively trap a focus based on a conditional Flow of Boolean. This should be applied in all situations, where the DOM subtree of the trap is not inside a mount-point, but only activated or disabled by some Flow.